Yaduvendra Singh EMEA Lead - Digital Platform and Solutions ISG
Sandra Williams Partner ISG
Sofia Freyder Executive Director, Digital Payments JPMorgan Chase
Seth Johnson Sr Director Discover
Alex Trujillo SVP Digital Consulting Services Coforge

Today’s digital pneumonia, spurred by the pandemic, is the perfect setting to motivate both customers and banks to increase digital interactions. With a diverse panel, we will probe the evolving ways financial institutions plan to keep customers digitally engaged to drive acquisition, retention, and expansion. How can institutions promote two-way, digital conversations to increase interactions? How are banks reacting to competition for new customers from neobanks or non-traditional, digital players? How are generational shifts creating new digital avenues for customer acquisition?How can a bank capitalize on technology trends to get digital engagement right for an individual customer or prospect?How can digital tools, such as live chats, AI, analytics and social media bolster conversational customer engagement?What creative digital engagement strategies are showing success?